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Team Experience


We have created leading back office healthcare vendors who have generated $50 Billion in aggregate value over the past 15 years for health plans, providers, and large employers.


We have experience executing some of the most transformative impact investments in the 21st century including creating novel financial instruments that saved 7,000,000 lives.

Our Vision

We are a public benefit entity with a singular focus on enhancing healthcare outcomes in the United States while offering attractive returns to impact investors and empowering not-for-profit hospital systems to convert their back office cost centers into valuable financial assets.

The Model

HumanityCorp will do the following:

1) Enable not-for-profit hospital systems to generate both immediate and long term new revenue streams by converting operating expenses into assets.

2) Generate returns for our impact investors.

3) Create new capital to accelerate the adoption of proven technologies to improve healthcare outcomes for our country and save a significant number of lives.

Partnerships and Portfolio Companies

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